Monday, April 2, 2012

Day two: I survived day one, yay!

Like I said in the first day post, my day was pretty chill. I ended up going to my friend's house for some board games and tea. Yes, board games and tea lol. When I did arrive though I was offered wine AND my friend was making some awesome looking cookies. It did take some effort to choose water over wine but I did. The cookies weren't that hard to turn down (I know, cray) but my other friend was peeling a mango so I had some of that. Later on we sat down and played some board games and drank some tea. I felt really British lol.

Anywho, I had eggs with salami and strawberries for breakfast, which was good. For lunch I had rotisserie chicken. Finally, when I got home I prepared some grilled pork, tossed that in a salad, sprinkled some homemade balsamic vinaigrette, and had a side of strawberries and grapes for "dessert".

My friend was telling me that the first week is the hardest but so far I'm doing ok. Now I think I'm just gonna be investing in coconut oil (which I couldn't find at walmart) and maybe coconut milk.

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