Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 12: Cheat day and the gym

Ok so cheat day was pretty good....I ate me some mushroom pizza, a bread stick, and some Ranch. I also had some fruit was good and I didn't gorge myself or anything. Later that day I went to a restaurant downtown "Ceviche" where they serve tapas. It was SOO yummy! I had two tapas, one with a mixture of meats and this awesome sauce, and the other with chicken. I also had bread but did eat everything with water. I felt like yeah I definitely ate some stuff I shouldn't be eating, but it wasn't going to kill me, and it was YUMMY!

Today I finally went to the gym. It was good actually. I hadn't been in a month and I completed all of the workouts I wanted to just fine. I did mostly cardio, and then fit in some arms and legs in there. I now need to create more of a routine so I can track my progress. I'm feeling good!

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