Ok so I basically decided after earlier this year when all of my plans to move out of Orlando to Chicago and start a new life as a volunteer vet for endangered whales went to shit, (I wasn't REALLY gonna be a volunteer vet but still...I could have been) that I needed a breather, a time to reflect, a moment to myself. I decided to stop drinking for two months AND on top of that to adopt the paleo diet lifestyle for said time.
Around these parts I'm known as a bad idea bear. Now don't get me wrong, I work, I have a car, I do my shit okrrr! I do like to have a social life. I LOVE going out, meeting people, having drinks, and being a "bad idea bear". I was going out about 2-3 times a week (clearly weekends) and I just wanted to put a halt to that and take this break. There are 52 weeks in a year...going 8 weekends without alcohol etc. shouldn't hurt me. Adding the paleo diet and exercise was just something I added at the end so I could be healthier. Another thing, I'm doing this all through April and May and coming back just in time for my birthday -June 3rd- and GAY DAYS!
So here's the plan from April 1st- May 31st:
1. No bars, no clubs, no parties. I know myself...I can't go to any of these and not want to drink. I would just end up being a debbie downer the whole time and asking myself why everyone else is having such a great time and why I was in charge of holding Melissa the Munchkin Mess's hair while she threw up. (Not a real person in my life but it would be kind of sad/funny it she were) I can still attend a POOL party, pool, beach, movies, dinner, and other activities fine. (or so I think, we'll see)
2. The main parts of the paleo diet are no dairy, no grains. I'm Latino, and therefore I feel like this will be "interesting" as I can't eat rice, beans, or use corn oil. I can still eat bacon, all kinds of other meats, cook with coconut oil, eat fruits in moderation, eat nuts, etc. I already did a week and a half or so of no rice (this is also not counting the little bit of rice that was in a chicken burrito from taco bell) and I did ok. Yes, I did eat rice basically on the daily so this big. Also, the only thing that I will be using that I dunno if it's paleo or not is probably MIO, the water enhancer, because as much as I love water, I'm sorry, but it doesn't taste good with steak. Later on I may include protein powders etc. but that's a bridge I'll cross when I get there.
3. Starting a routine at the gym. I'm clearly going to start slowly, but my goal is to be going there M-W-F so we'll see how that goes. For now I think that's all I can really think of. The other thing I kind of wanted to do is learn guitar but that's up in the air as I remembered that time is kind of limited and I do have a job etc.